Project Game Red Flags

Red Flags

(Accountancy Gamification)

Accountancy Game Project

Designed for the School of Accountancy, SMU, 2018, this game is a next-generation course material that will be used to teach students the fundamentals of accountancy, auditing and fraud identification. It is an interactive scenario-based game focused on using relevant concepts and tools to identify fraud. The player starts off as an auditor and is tasked to perform audits for various companies. As the player progress through the story, each audit becomes increasingly difficult. The player scores points based on how well he does during each trial and gains a promotion upon earning enough points.

The aim of this game is for the players to review typical realistic financial documents efficiently, to detect inconsistencies and fraud in said documents and finally, to be familiar and confident in identifying the type of fraud committed. This game is distributed by the school to the course students so that the professors can better understand the students’ understanding of the relevant syllabus. All game sessions and results are recorded and uploaded to the school server for the professor’s reference. High score and individual student results are included in these logs for clearer supervision.

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